Discovering Singapore: The UOB-NUS Case Competition
There was more than just a little buzz for Chris, Thomas, Julian and me when we received the joyful news that we were going to be the ones representing the University of St. Gallen at the UOB-NUS Case Competition in Singapore. Come to think of it, the excitement that we felt soon gave way to the realization that we were going to compete against some of the best Universities in the world in Singapore. What made the trip to Singapore even more interesting was the fact that most of us had yet to ever set foot on this magnificent city. Before setting our sails for Singapore we had the honor to spend two days in the comfort of St. Gallen and our trainer Atila to prepare for the competition.
Having finally arrived in Singapore we were able to take in the atmosphere of the city for two days before the one-week programme organized by the National University of Singapore (NUS) would commence. Also, we were able to meet our lovely “Ambassador” who would guide and assist us in every way possible during the competition. Our programme started off with a gala dinner where we got to know extraordinary individuals hailing from distinguished universities all over the world.
It was then and there that the rules that had not been announced yet were revealed to us. The format, which included trying to figure out how much time to spend on two equally complex but differently important cases in a 32 hour period, was challenging. Using our great team spirit and an abundance of coffee and Singaporean cuisine we responded in kind by staying up for 32 hours straight. Even though we didn’t make it past the first knock-out round, bowing out against the eventual runner-ups of the competition, the experience was highly rewarding. Growing as individuals and growing together as a team in 32 hours of sweat, blood and tears was as unique, fruitful and gratifying of an experience as any. Topping off the great time we had in Singapore was the warmth and joy that was provided to us by the lovely people of the National University of Singapore that went through a lot of sleep-deprived months and days to make our time as memorable as possible. In short, everyone contemplating applying to the UOB-NUS Case competition shouldn’t hesitate to do so.
In fact, our Singapore experience can probably be summed up in this-here ditty:
T’was September when we heard the alarms,
To heed and follow the call to arms,
To fly to Singapore and do some cases,
Damn! Y’all should’ve seen our faces.
To Singapore then-we set out.
Representing the most beautiful Swiss University,
And arrived: In our minds not one doubt,
Full of determination and esprit,
Even though loosing felt cold
It was an experience to behold,
In Singapore there was loads to enjoy,
Let’s just say we didn’t act coy,
We’d like to take a minute to thank a few,
Without them this wouldn’t have gone through:
The University-who had our back financially,
Trust us: This will pay off: eventually!
The Consulting Club: You guys put it together.
Laid it all out for us: Down to every letter.
And Case Solvers: You provided us with skills.
We didn’t even need enhancing pills.
To everyone thinking about going to a competition-
Let me say one more thing: In addition.
It’s great and it really pays off,
It’s true: Don’t scoff!
But you need guts: You gotta commit.
Ask Case Solvers: Let’s see if you’re a fit!
Thomas Wilopo
University of St.Gallen